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Do I Need Biotin?

por Total Boosters en January 05, 2021
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How Much Biotin Do I Need?

Thankfully, it's not exactly common to have a biotin deficiency. Most people consume the amount of biotin that is necessary for hair growth in our diets naturally. However, the reason so many people take it is that taking higher doses of biotin in supplement form can significantly benefit your hair, skin, and nails. This increase in love for biotin as a supplement has led to it being labeled "hair food" and rightly so since one of the effects seen most often is an increased rate of growth in the hair when taking it daily. 

Does Biotin Work For Hair Growth?

Trichologists agree that biotin can help hair to grow stronger and possibly even thicker. The primary benefit of biotin for hair is that it allows stronger and healthier hair growth. Stronger hair is less likely to break off at the ends, promoting and protecting length. Keep in mind, biotin does not affect hair loss of hair thinning, and that you'll need at least four months to start seeing a difference in new growth of hair.

How Much Biotin Should I Take For Hair Growth?

The magic number seems to hover around 5,000 micrograms a day, and daily consumption is key to its efficacy. Being inconsistent when taking biotin will definitely vary your results. It's also important to understand that, as with any supplement, hair growth will not happen overnight. You'll most likely see results after about a month or so, but some people notice a difference in as little as two weeks. Biotin has also been shown to increase nail and eyelash growth, and can even be a great treatment for people who are suffering from eczema. 

Even alopecia has been shown to respond positively when biotin is introduced. If you're using it to treat a medical condition, however, remember to consult your doctor. It's been shown to decrease the effectiveness of some heart and anti-seizure medications.

Will Biotin Cause My Body Hair to Grow Longer Too?

Another great thing about biotin is that, although it seems like it might, biotin won't make the hair on your body grow extra long. Unlike the hair on our head, the hair on our body gets a molecular signal to only grow to a certain length. This is what allows us to avoid having to cut and style our own arm hair. The only hair biotin thickens on the face are eyebrows, and most people are pretty happy about that. 

In supplement form, some stylists believe biotin is the most important thing for a client to add to their routine if they are suffering from hair loss or thinning. And remember—consistency is key when it comes to fighting hair loss and thinning. So follow the directions of your doctor and the directions on whatever bottle of biotin you purchase.